
Week 13: Total Station

Prior to this activity, how would you rank yourself in knowledge about the topic. (1-No Knowledge at atll, 2-Very Little Knowledge, 3-Some knowledge, 4-A good amount of knowledge, 5-I knew all about this)

  • Before this activity I was a 3 and had some knowledge about this.

Following this activity, how would you rate the amount of knowledge you have on the topic (1- I don’t really know enough to talk about the topic, 2- I know enough to explain what I did, 3-I know enough to repeat what I did, 4-I know enough to teach someone else, 5- I am an expert)

  • Now I would say I am at a 4, that I know enough about the topic to teach someone else.

Did the hands-on approach to this activity add to how much you were able to learn (1-Strongly Disagree, 2-Disagree, 3-No real opinion, 4-Agree, 5-Strongly Agree)

  • Yes 5 strongly agree because I had never worked with these instruments before

What types of learning strategies would you recommend to make the activity even better?

  • Creating a more easy to read table with the data in it. 

Week 12: Dual Frequency GPS

Prior to this activity, how would you rank yourself in knowledge about the topic. (1-No Knowledge at atll, 2-Very Little Knowledge, 3-Some knowledge, 4-A good amount of knowledge, 5-I knew all about this)

  • Before this activity I was a 1 and had no knowledge about this at all

Following this activity, how would you rate the amount of knowledge you have on the topic (1- I don’t really know enough to talk about the topic, 2- I know enough to explain what I did, 3-I know enough to repeat what I did, 4-I know enough to teach someone else, 5- I am an expert)

  • Now I would say I am at a 4, that I know enough about the topic to teach someone else.

Did the hands-on approach to this activity add to how much you were able to learn (1-Strongly Disagree, 2-Disagree, 3-No real opinion, 4-Agree, 5-Strongly Agree)

  • Yes 5 strongly agree because I had never worked with these instruments before

What types of learning strategies would you recommend to make the activity even better?

  • Collecting more points..

Week 11: Distance/Azimuth

Prior to this activity, how would you rank yourself in knowledge about the topic. (1-No Knowledge at atll, 2-Very Little Knowledge, 3-Some knowledge, 4-A good amount of knowledge, 5-I knew all about this)

  • Before this activity I was a 1 and had no knowledge about this at all

Following this activity, how would you rate the amount of knowledge you have on the topic (1- I don’t really know enough to talk about the topic, 2- I know enough to explain what I did, 3-I know enough to repeat what I did, 4-I know enough to teach someone else, 5- I am an expert)

  • Now I would say I am at a 4, that I know enough about the topic to teach someone else.

Did the hands-on approach to this activity add to how much you were able to learn (1-Strongly Disagree, 2-Disagree, 3-No real opinion, 4-Agree, 5-Strongly Agree)

  • Yes 5 strongly agree because I had never worked with these instruments before

What types of learning strategies would you recommend to make the activity even better?

  • Collecting more points in all directions.

Week 10: Arc Collector 2

Prior to this activity, how would you rank yourself in knowledge about the topic. (1-No Knowledge at atll, 2-Very Little Knowledge, 3-Some knowledge, 4-A good amount of knowledge, 5-I knew all about this)

  • Before I was probably a 3. Again we had worked with this a little but it was always nice to get a refresher.

Following this activity, how would you rate the amount of knowledge you have on the topic (1- I don’t really know enough to talk about the topic, 2- I know enough to explain what I did, 3-I know enough to repeat what I did, 4-I know enough to teach someone else, 5- I am an expert)

  • I would probably say I am now at a 4. I have become familiar enough with arc collector where I could teach someone else

Did the hands-on approach to this activity add to how much you were able to learn (1-Strongly Disagree, 2-Disagree, 3-No real opinion, 4-Agree, 5-Strongly Agree)

  • Yes 5 strongly agree

What types of learning strategies would you recommend to make the activity even better?

  • Go over the online map a little more, and go over how to embed a map.

Week 6: Arc Collector 1

Prior to this activity, how would you rank yourself in knowledge about the topic. (1-No Knowledge at atll, 2-Very Little Knowledge, 3-Some knowledge, 4-A good amount of knowledge, 5-I knew all about this)

  • Before this activity I was a 2. We had dealt with arc collector a little before but experienced many problems.

Following this activity, how would you rate the amount of knowledge you have on the topic (1- I don’t really know enough to talk about the topic, 2- I know enough to explain what I did, 3-I know enough to repeat what I did, 4-I know enough to teach someone else, 5- I am an expert)

  • I would rate myself at a 3, I have knowledge of it but could probably not carefully walk someone through the process.

Did the hands-on approach to this activity add to how much you were able to learn (1-Strongly Disagree, 2-Disagree, 3-No real opinion, 4-Agree, 5-Strongly Agree)

  • Yes I would say 4, I learn hands on so this always helps me learn.

What types of learning strategies would you recommend to make the activity even better?

  • Do more projects with arc collector but not using the juno device. 

Week 5: Geodatabases, Attributes, and Domains

Prior to this activity, how would you rank yourself in knowledge about the topic. (1-No Knowledge at atll, 2-Very Little Knowledge, 3-Some knowledge, 4-A good amount of knowledge, 5-I knew all about this)

  • Before This activity I would say that I was a 3 and had some knowledge. We had learned a little about Geodatabases and domains in GIS II prior to this class. 

Following this activity, how would you rate the amount of knowledge you have on the topic (1- I don’t really know enough to talk about the topic, 2- I know enough to explain what I did, 3-I know enough to repeat what I did, 4-I know enough to teach someone else, 5- I am an expert)

  • I would say I am at a 1, that I don't really know enough to talk about the topic. During lab I was overwhelmed with the amount of information, but I think if I do this one more time I will feel confident in the process. 

Did the hands-on approach to this activity add to how much you were able to learn (1-Strongly Disagree, 2-Disagree, 3-No real opinion, 4-Agree, 5-Strongly Agree)

  • Yes I would say 4 agree, anything hands on helps me learn better.

What types of learning strategies would you recommend to make the activity even better?

  • Possibly taking notes on the subject beforehand. I would have been even more lost had I not learned some of this knowledge from GIS II.

Week 2: Sand Survey Revisited

Prior to this activity, how would you rank yourself in knowledge about the topic. (1-No Knowledge at atll, 2-Very Little Knowledge, 3-Some knowledge, 4-A good amount of knowledge, 5-I knew all about this)

  • Before this activity I would say I was at a 1-No knowledge at all

Following this activity, how would you rate the amount of knowledge you have on the topic (1- I don’t really know enough to talk about the topic, 2- I know enough to explain what I did, 3-I know enough to repeat what I did, 4-I know enough to teach someone else, 5- I am an expert)

  • I am a 3 after this activity. I can repeat what I did and I learned a lot about interpolation, but I don't think I would feel comfortable enough explaining this topic to someone else.
Did the hands-on approach to this activity add to how much you were able to learn (1-Strongly Disagree, 2-Disagree, 3-No real opinion, 4-Agree, 5-Strongly Agree)

  • Yes 4, it helped to map and interpolate our data in ArcScene and to see it in 3D.
What types of learning strategies would you recommend to make the activity even better?
  • Possibly to go over the advantages and disadvantages of each interpolation method. I looked most of them up but TIN interpolation was very difficult to find information that applied to this lab.

Week 1: Sand Survey

Prior to this activity, how would you rank yourself in knowledge about the topic. (1-No Knowledge at all, 2-Very Little Knowledge, 3-Some knowledge, 4-A good amount of knowledge, 5-I knew all about this)

  • I would say before this activity I was a 3. I had some knowledge from previous classes but not enough to explain to others how sampling works. 

Following this activity, how would you rate the amount of knowledge you have on the topic (1- I don’t really know enough to talk about the topic, 2- I know enough to explain what I did, 3-I know enough to repeat what I did, 4-I know enough to teach someone else, 5- I am an expert)

  • Following this activity I would say that I am a 3, I know enough to repeat what I did with my group.

Did the hands-on approach to this activity add to how much you were able to learn (1-Strongly Disagree, 2-Disagree, 3-No real opinion, 4-Agree, 5-Strongly Agree)

  • Yes I agree (4) that the hands on approach helped me learn this subject much more than if I was sitting in a lecture taking notes. 

What types of learning strategies would you recommend to make the activity even better?

  • To make this activity even better I would recommend going over the three sampling techniques in class. Researching the topic did help, but going over it in class would be nice to feel like we mastered the skills. 

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